Teachings – Meditations – Channellings – Activations – Healings

August 22 – 24, 2025

9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
(Doors open: 8:00 AM)

Location: McCloud Town, CA
(Only 20 mins from Mt. Shasta city)
Venue: McCloud Mercantile Hotel
241 Main St, McCloud, CA 96057

Join internationally renowned best-selling author and speaker Lee Carroll channeller for Kryon, as he returns to Shasta with his beloved partner of the Kryon teachings Monika Muranyi and Master organiser Elan Cohen, for a very special, empowering, initmate event in one of the most recognized energy centers on the planet and a Pleiadian NODEMT. SHASTA!

The incredible multi-dimensional energies of Mt. Shasta, and its deep connection to ancient Lemuria and our Pleiadian sisters and brothers that live in the 5th dimensional city of Telos inside the mountain, are calling us back to reunite with our star family and celebrate our divinity in these new times of accelerated consciousness, awakening to an ascension planet.

Hi Elan,

Many thanks to you and the team for a fantastic experience. The Mt. Shasta Retreat and the Kryon Teachings were profound and wonderful. This event fed my spirit in a way that no ordinary vacation ever could. I returned home with a better understanding of concepts I’ve studied all my life, and a feeling of fulfillment that remains with me every day.

With love and light,
Sabrina T.

This retreat is an opportunity for you to immerse yourself in the profound energies of the sacred Mt. Shasta with the divine guidance and wisdom from the magnetic Master Kryon, to further awaken your consciousness and your connection to GAIA and your Galactic Family, and access more of your divine Star Soul Akash.

In addition, there will be meditations and channeling of the CIRCLE OF TWELVE, and the very special GREEN MIST profound healing experience.

Spend up-close time with Lee, Monika and Elan as they lead you through powerful Teachings, Meditations, Channellings, and Activations in a program that is designed to give you the in-person experiential space to do the deeper work that is the focus of your time with each of them.

Don’t miss this opportunity to join us and attendees from throughout the world for this intimate retreat based upon the presenters’ lifetime of knowledge, experience, wisdom and love!

Hi Elan,

Thanks so much for organizing the Mt. Shasta event. I truly felt changed by the levels of understanding after listening to channeling messages and further meditations over the days.

Cheers and love!


*This is an IN-PERSON event only. The program is NOT broadcast online.
Coffee breaks included.
*Airfare, transportation, accommodation, extra meals and services are NOT included in the price.
*Seating is first-come, first-served each day. Check-in starts at 8:00 AM.
*Program starts each day at 9:00 AM and ends by 2:00 PM
*Lunch option starts from 2:00-3:30 PM
*Your name will be on the event check-in list and you will receive a pre-printed Name Tag on the first day.
*Translations are NOT provided. The event is in English only.
*Registration for individual days is not available.

To secure your place in the event, full payment is required with the PayPal button payment link below, and acceptance of the event terms and conditions disclaimer.

Please use the payment button below and fill out and sign the Agreement to Terms & Conditions FORM TO SIGN click here »

Please Note: Before you email, registrations can ONLY be made online through the payment link below. You do not need to have a PayPal account in order to pay with a Credit Card via PayPal.

Dates: August 22 – 24, 2025 (Friday-Sunday)
Times: 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (Doors open 8:00 AM)
Price per INDIVIDUALS: $599.00 USD

Or use this link:

Price per COUPLES/COMPANIONS ($100 Discount): $1098.00 USD

Or use this link:

Price includes a delicious, abundant buffet ON-SITE LUNCH for only $33.00 per day!
(Suitable for Regular, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten-Free)

Price per INDIVIDUALS including LUNCH: $698.00 USD

Or use this link:

Price per COUPLES/COMPANIONS including LUNCH: $1296.00 USD

Or use this link:

Note: The business name that appears on card statements is SHALOHA KRY or SHALOHA KRYON

Cancellation policy:
Refundable (minus 10%) if canceling before Aug. 1st, 2025
Refundable (minus 20%) if canceling after Aug. 1st, 2025
Non-refundable if canceling after Aug. 15th, 2025
Note: If the event is canceled for any reason you will receive a refund minus a 5% administrative fee.

Event Terms & Conditions Disclaimer click here »

Agreement to Terms & Conditions FORM TO SIGN click here »

Please send an email after you have made the payment to confirm your registration to:
A confirmation for your payment will be sent to you from PayPal after sending the payment. A welcome letter confirming your registration and further information will be sent to you from Shaloha Productions. If you have not received it within 24 hrs after sending your payment, please check your SPAM and TRASH folders.

Enrich your Retreat with a Sacred Site Tour on Magical Mount Shasta:

August 22, 23, 24 from 4:30-8:30 PM
Guided by Andrew Oser known as “Master of the Mountain.”
Price is $77.00 through March 1, and $99.00 after that.
For more info or to register, please click here
Note: Lee Carroll / Kryon is NOT participating in the tours.


Special group rate block at:

McCloud Mercantile Hotel & McCloud Hotel
These are two excellent and charming main hotels in McCloud, and if you want to secure a room in them you should book early!
The hotel’s rooms are book blocked for our group, however, you can ONLY BOOK BY PHONE OR EMAIL:
Please contact Darlene: +1-530-859-2634
*It is not possible to book rooms on the hotel website for our event days.

Book your room to arrive on Thursday August 21st and depart on Monday August 25th.

Other Hotels in McCloud, CA (Only 20 mins from Mt. Shasta city):
You can use Google or Trip Advisor to find what types of accommodation are suitable for your needs and budget.
Google Hotels in McCloud
Google Hotels in Shasta

Venue: McCloud Mercantile Hotel, 241 Main St, McCloud, CA 96057

Airbnb McCloud  VRBO McCloud

Airbnb Shasta  VRBO Shasta

Share Room – Share Ride: If you’re looking to share a room or ride and don’t have a companion already, you can use this Facebook Group Page to connect with other attendees.

Airports, Airport Shuttle and Local Taxi:

Shasta Shuttle for airport and local shuttle service as well as transportation to Oakland, Sacramento or San Francisco.
For details and pricing contact or
Local: (530) 859-3266, NEMT: (530) 500-3075, Toll Free: (833) MTSTAXI 687-8294

Shasta Mountain Shuttle and Tours:
Mike Rodriquez 530-436-5511
From Redding airport to Mount Shasta is $135.00
From Redding airport to McCloud is $165.00
Daily trips from Mount Shasta to McCloud is $30 one-way.

Private Party offering transportation, not a business
Beloved Pure Love
$1.00 per mile
From Redding Airport estimate: $120.00
Daily transportation from Mount Shasta to McCloud, one-way estimate is $30.00

Hi Elan,

A retired Christian minister on a journey to Higher Consciousness for over 45 years, and totally “out-of-the-box” for nearly 15 years, I have followed the free audio messages of Kryon/Lee Carroll for the past three years. Mt. Shasta Retreat in McCloud, CA. was, however, my first presence at a Kryon event. Whatever I was expecting paled in comparison to what I got.

The entire faculty of that event, together with the spirit entourage that accompanied them, were totally over the top. Having received verification in my consciousness and my physical body, I proclaim with certainty that this was a lifetime pinnacle as majestic and glorious as the beautiful mount at whose foot we gathered.

My heart overflows with gratitude.
Randy B., AZ

Dear Elan,

Verbalization, or writing of spiritual experiences is difficult for me. The subtleties, and my inability to voice the subtleties of energy shifts, voices heard, and internal visions make it difficult to say any more than “Thank You.” Within that “Thank You” carries a deep river of gratitude for the channelings and meditations, Lee and Monika’s willingness to be conduits for higher dimensions to come through and validate truths that otherwise can make me feel crazy, knowing one thing, but living my life completely opposing that intrinsic wisdom.

For years I’ve listened to Kryon over my phone. Living in toxic relationships at home, at work, and in the world, the Kryon channelings with all of you have given me a spiritual guide, mental validation, and hand to hold to make different choices, and compassionately leave this part of myself behind. To be there in the physical body with all of you in the room unlocked a deeper validation and desire to be centered in myself as created, and keeps internally encouraging me to open more doors. To say “Yes, this and something better”.

This workshop was s tremendous gift from you, and it is upon leaving that on wings I fly to the heavens and further with your voices commingled with mine and that of our Divine Source. telling me of your love for me, mine for you, and the tremendous brilliance of our combined magnificence.

With Great Love and Deep Appreciation,
Melissa S.

Mount Shasta Resort

LOOK! Want to display your products at this KRYON seminar?
Vendor tables are still available!
For info email:

Note: When signing up for the event you agree to be added to Shaloha Productions Email List.