“We are never more than a belief away from our greatest love, deepest healing, and most profound miracles”
- Gregg Braden
A rare opportunity to participate in an in-person only intensive four days retreat on the native Santa Ana Pueblo in the beauty of New Mexico High Desert with Gregg Braden!
Teaching Program
The Hyatt Tamaya Resort
Map, Parking & Transportation
Only 30 mins drive from Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ):
Price & Registration
Special Group Hyatt Tamaya Resort Room Rates
More Hotels Near Hyatt Tamaya
Photos & Testimonials from past retreats
Gregg Braden Four Day Intensive Retreat
Unlock your personal code to advanced neural networks, cell membranes and emotional intelligence!
March 28 – 31, 2025
Times: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
Doors open: 8:00 AM
Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa
Very special four day retreat with renowned best selling author and speaker Gregg Braden at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort & Spa in the majestic and tranquil desert sacred lands of Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, USA (between Albuquerque and Santa Fe).
Spend close, rare time with Gregg as he leads you through some of the most recent discoveries merging science and spirituality in the alchemy of the human heart.
This program is designed to give you the maximum opportunity to do the deeper work that is the focus of our time together with Gregg.
Gregg feels that the duration of each day spent up close with his teachings, all set in the rugged beauty of New Mexico’s high desert and on the native Santa Anna pueblo, contributes to a unique personal experience that’s just not possible at the larger keynote oriented conferences.
Don’t miss this opportunity to join Gregg and attendees from throughout the world for this heart-based retreat based upon Gregg’s lifetime of exploration, knowledge, wisdom and love!
“I’ve read and heard Gregg Braden so I knew some of the basic principles, but this multi-day experience goes way beyond anything you can read or see on the internet. I had very high expectations of this special time with Gregg. I was not disappointed at all! It was an amazing time of learning and increased awareness. There was a lot of laughter – Gregg has a wonderful sense of humor! I think the thing that struck me the most, though, was Gregg’s sincerity. He really wants to help us all lead the extraordinary lives that are available to each and every one of us. The resort is beautiful and, I think, we benefit from it being on native land….fabulous energy! It is an incredible time and I left much more aware, more “conscious” than when I arrived. I can’t wait until the next retreat to come back!” Elaine H.
“Thank you to you, Gregg and your entire team for the most amazing retreat/workshop I have ever attended – in both content and organization! Over the last 30 years I have attended nearly 100 workshops/retreats, and this retreat by far was the best and had the most impact on my life.” Karen H.
“Thank you for an absolutely educational, transformational experience with people from all over the country and the world. I look forward to creating a more healthy and coherent existence!” Shirley St M.
“I just wanted to say a huge thank to you and all who made Gregg’s event such a beautiful, life-changing experience. I can honestly say that of all the retreats, events or conferences I’ve attended in the last 20 years, this retreat far exceeded all expectations. It is without a doubt my favorite retreat of all time! I must take some time to share with all of you the profound experiences I’ve had… I’m still trying to take it all in. Just a beautiful, powerful experience on so many levels.
Again, a huge thank you to all of you. You each brought a beautiful energy to the room, and believe me, we all felt it and appreciate what each of you contributed to our experiences.” Tina K. R.
“As Gregg said to start off the workshop, “This workshop begins when you start integrating the information into your life. And that requires an experience.” And what a beautiful experience. Highly recommend this retreat! Take your favorite Gregg Braden book and times it by 100 and you’ll get an idea of what you’re in for.” Craig M.
“What amazing retreat days with Gregg Braden and the group. We are not just on the road – we are in the stream of consciousness!” Elisa B.
Click for more testimonials >>
“Thank you both so much for organizing such an informative and heartfelt experience. My heart is brimming with light again.” Karen
“Thank you so very much Gregg and Elan. It was a beautiful experience.” Angela Y.
“Thank you all for an amazing experience. I feel like a new man with an entirely new lens and perspective on life. I cannot wait to apply everything I’ve learned moving forward in my life.” Juan R.
“I developed new habits. I feel very abundant and prosperous now, with all these new tools and resources!!” Gabriele C.
“For about 15 years I have been following Gregg. In this time he was the most inspiring person for my work, and more than that my life. Making this journey possible here on Vancouver Island touched my heart in so many ways. Life is about connecting and connection. Again and again: I am so grateful for all those moments when I feel my deep love for humanity. Thank all of you for those four special days with so many heart-opened people. Love to all of you.” Felix K.
“Not only do I feel like my heart is on steroids right now, but all the learning, the experiences, the beautiful souls meeting, the Emotions processed, released, the smiles, the hugs, the laughs… I am indefinitely expanded. The feeling is overwhelming. I resonate so much with Gregg’s phonebooth story and the relationship we (men) sometimes have with our fathers. I just sat down in my room and received a phone call from my dad. He was calling for me to be able to wish him a happy birthday because he missed me for his 80-year party this Sunday in Belgium. And to check on me and how I lived my retreat. He used to say to me that he was waiting for the end of his life sooner or later, a year ago and tonight he just said to me: I am ready for the next 20 years! (After working on my relationship with him this weekend in the field) I’m SOooo grateful! To all our beloved elders on the Earth: we know that we might lose you sooner or later, and I’m OK with that, it is life! But when you will, it changes everything if you show us till the end how you love and cherish life! NAMASTE!” Marc B.
“What an amazing retreat! Thanks to the organizers and everyone, especially my new friends who made it so special. I feel blessed to have shared this journey with amazing like-minded people.” Tahmineh D.
“I wish you all a delightful time on this “journey” ahead of us. Thanks to my tribe for your harmony, love, joy, and many more various colours full of intimate feelings you were vulnerable and safe enough to share in this beautiful, sparkling and vibrating circle of trust and connection. I can’t describe how blessed I feel to be a piece of this beautiful puzzle that Gregg and his precious team helped me put together in my head, but more so in my heart. I am whole, I feel whole and that leads me to the whole picture. That is the best way to put it. Happiness for me means dancing, and this felt like a beautiful dance with a beautiful orchestra and a beautiful choir. But what burst my heart into a well of rainbow colors was Gregg playing the native flute. My heart started dancing, and I finally found home. Inside and outside. It was a magic moment. Thank you, thank you, thank you ALL DIVINITY!” Seelenreise B.
“We are filled with so much love and Gratitude for Gregg, Elan, Greg, Christian and all the Breathflow helpers and everyone present – truly transformational days. My Heart opened, and for this I am eternally grateful. We learned so much – thank you, thank you, thank you.” Lorraine & Tony
“My heart is full of gratitude as well, as this was a life-changing event for me! I’d love to be able to do the last meditation with the drums again, as it was so powerful for me. Thank you for all you do Elan, Gregg, Greg, Christian and the team, to make this world a better place!” Simone E.
“We wish to express our deepest gratitude for the amazing experience of this past weekend. This was our first Gregg Braden event. It was truly life-changing for both of us, and we were so impressed with the program and the content. We witnessed such beautiful healings and transformations in so many of the participants. Highest Regards” Monique K. & Nathan H.
“I wanted to thank you all for the amazing 4 days together. It helped me fall in love with life and living just a wee bit more, and fall into myself and love for myself, My Heart, my cells, a wee bit more….the information shared and presented also helps me understand the world from the larger picture, through the lens of the war between the sons of light and dark, and this has helped me feel a newfound sense of calm – now I know what I didn’t know but I knew, I knew. Thank you for that.” Denise F.
An experience of a lifetime!
Teaching Program:
The science is clear: We are not what we’ve been told, and even more than we’ve imagined!
Within each of us lie dormant abilities and extraordinary potentials far beyond what was believed to be possible in the past. The key to access the highest expressions of our humanness is to unlock the personal code to our advanced neural networks, cell membranes and emotional intelligence that allows us to excel in everyday life, and thrive in times of uncertainty. Pure Human: Breakthrough! is designed to do just that, by breaking though the limited fear-based beliefs of past programing.
Diverse fields of study ranging from human evolution and genetics, to the emerging science of neuro-cardiology and heart intelligence have revealed new discoveries, and a new human story of self-empowerment and extraordinary potential. These discoveries add to a growing body of evidence confirming that we are a highly advanced, highly sophisticated “soft” technology with the ability to self-heal and regenerate the organs and tissue in our bodies. We awaken our healing and regenerative powers using specific formulas – precise codes – of thought, feeling, emotion, breath and focus. These codes have been preserved for us in our most ancient and cherished spiritual and indigenous traditions, and are now validated by the best science of the modern world.
In this extended multi-day retreat, Gregg Braden will:
- Provide the blueprint and techniques for Pure Human thinking, and living, that includes the scientific discoveries to awaken your mysterious superhuman potentials.
- Teach you how to access and program your body’s multiple operating systems to self-regulate the biology of your immune system, stem cells and longevity enzymes and more, On-Demand, by accessing your innate epigenetic codes.
Join Gregg Braden for this compelling multi-day event, as he shares the discoveries that catapult us beyond the conventional thinking when it comes to us – our origins, limits and, most importantly, the extraordinary capabilities available to us in everyday life. In this responsibly presented, fast-paced, highly visual and experiential program, Gregg draws upon recent scientific discoveries and the evidence shared in his new books, combined with time-tested strategies from ancient and indigenous traditions, as he shares the keys for accessing extraordinary states of physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual health and healing.
Highlights of this program include:
- Four days with like-minded souls from diverse cultures and backgrounds in a healing retreat environment to learn, develop and fine-tune the skills to self-regulate your regenerative biology, including skills of heart intelligence and deep intuition on-demand!
- A special segment dedicated to optimizing the techniques of biological coherence and experiencing the proven physical and emotional and relationship benefits of these skills.
- A special segment dedicated to recent discoveries of neuropeptides and the chemistry of emotion:
- the specific organs and tissue where the chemistry of unresolved trauma is stored (these are different for men and women)
- how to metabolize the emotional chemicals before they express in the physical body.
- A special segment dedicated to understanding the three universal fears and the role they play in your life.
- A special segment dedicated to the Essene mirrors of relationship and the role they they’ve played in your spiritual development.
- A special segment dedicated to the awakening and development of deep states of non-local awareness, sensory enhancement, super memory and super cognition.
- A special segment dedicated to the discovery of a new class of neurons and stem cells that remain viable throughout human life, rather than disappear with age, and support rejuvenation, regeneration and longevity at any age.
- Learning to discern information from your thinking mind, and your heart’s intelligence, as it reveals decisive answers to your life’s mysteries, life’s most difficult decisions, and how to trust deep states of intuition!
- Gregg’s unpublished research (including archaeological evidence) that overturns mainstream thinking when it comes to who we are, our origins and the extraordinary implications of these discoveries in our lives!
Professionally-facilitated and deeply experiential: two Breathflow sessions using key breathing techniques to free the chemicals of unresolved emotion throughout the body. These sessions will be led by Christian Minson and his team of facilitators supervised by Gregg Braden. These sessions are offered only at Gregg’s Pure Human: Breakthrough retreats!
- And much, much more!

A special Sunday concert with Jenny Bird:
Jenny Bird has been called “the most passionate performer in the new folk genre.” The stage is her second home where she’s been presenting her original songs since the age of ten. Professionally managed as a teenager, Jenny lived and recorded in Germany and Belgium. For the last 20 years, she’s toured widely and consistently, playing festivals and clubs across Europe, Canada, and the United States. She is well respected in her home town of Taos, New Mexico where she records and teaches music. Jenny’s discography includes fourteen all-original recordings which have received radio play internationally. Her recordings feature such guests as blues virtuoso Rory Block and rainbow warrior Eliza Gilkyson. And Jenny has appeared throughout the country, performing on the same stage with Sheryl Crow, John Prine, Iris Dement, JJ Cale, Blues Traveller, Sinead O’Connor, Indigo Girls and Sarah McLachlan, to name a few. Jenny’s music leaves her audiences touched, transformed, inspired and singing all the way home. Read more about Jenny here »
Join Us!
This extended program is an opportunity to join Gregg as he goes beyond the typical keynote presentations, to become proficient in the language and applications of heart-based wisdom. Gregg and his team have chosen the beauty and comfort of the Hyatt Tamaya Resort, nestled in the native beauty of Santa Ana Pueblo for this experience, complete with pueblo-style accommodations, luxury amenities, outdoor pools, a fitness center, restaurants and a tranquil spa in the high desert of Northern New Mexico. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to join Gregg, and an international community of heart-based pioneers, in New Mexico in 2025.

Gregg Braden is a five-time New York Times best-selling author, scientist and a pioneer in the emerging paradigm bridging science, social policy and human potential.
His research resulted in the 2003 discovery of intelligent information encoded into the human genome, and the 2010 application of fractal time to predict future occurrences of past events. Gregg’s work has led to 15 film credits, 12 award-winning books now published in over 40 languages, and he was a 2020 nominee for the prestigious Templeton Prize. He has presented his discoveries in over 34 countries on six continents, and has been invited to speak to The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies and the U.S. military.
Gregg is a member of scientific and visionary organizations including the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Institute of HeartMath’s Global Coherence Initiative and The Arlington Institute, as well as an original signatory of the 2017 Fuji Declaration, the international call to collectively catalyze a timely shift in the course of human history. www.greggbraden.com
Join us for this profound event!
Gregg Braden is a rare blend of scientist, visionary and scholar with the ability to speak to our minds, while touching the wisdom of our hearts. – Deepak Chopra, M.D.
The Resort:
Experience all the luxury, beauty and serenity at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort & Spa. Situated at the base of the Sandia Mountains in New Mexico, the Tamaya Resort is a destination unlike anything you have experienced before. Discover the beauty and culture of the Southwest at our New Mexico resort, from the sparkling outdoor pools and golf course to the spacious pueblo-style guestrooms and suites surrounded by breathtaking mountain vistas.
Experience the ultimate getaway and explore the rich culture of the Southwest from the comfort of a relaxing refuge near Santa Fe. Savor beautifully crafted cuisine at award winning restaurants, indulge in rejuvenating spa rituals or take to the skies on a hot air balloon ride with soaring views of these scared lands. A remarkable combination of luxurious amenities with the culture and history of the Tamayame people creates an outstanding resort experience. Located between two vibrant New Mexico cities, the Tamaya resort between Santa Fe and Albuquerque showers you with the indulgent services of award-winning spa and excites you with unique cultural and recreational activities. The resort has three heated outdoor pools, a championship Twin Warriors Golf Course. Watch a radiant sunset while dining on fresh, regional cuisine at Corn Maiden. Treat yourself to a magical destination!
About the Hotel
Rooms – to view only*
*See below our special discounted group rates and link
Spa & Hotel Activities
Area Activities
Map, Parking & Transportation
Only 30 mins drive from Albuquerque International Sunport (ABQ)
*This is an IN-PERSON event only. The program is NOT broadcast online.
*Refreshment breaks included.
*Airfare, transportation, accommodation, meals and extra services are NOT included in the price.
*VENUE is Tamaya Ballroom
*TIMES each day 9:00 AM to 5:00/5:30 PM.
*YOUR NAME will be on the event check-in list and you will receive a pre-printed Name Tag on the first day.
*POCKET FOLDER + Note Pad + Pen + Tote Bag with additional information.
*SCHEDULE Program is only given on the first day of the event.
*BREAKS: Morning 20-30 min. Lunch 90 min. Afternoon 20-30 min.
*SEATING is First-Come, First-Served ONLY each day.
*WEAR comfortable clothing and please AVOID strong fragrances.
*BE ON TIME! we cannot wait for late arrivals as we have a long day’s program.
*Translations are NOT provided. The event is in English only.
*Registration for individual days is not available.
IMPORTANT: We will have a Breathflow Session during the second and third days of the retreat.
Please bring a YOGA MAT as you will be lying down. Also bring a small pillow or folded towel to support your head.
*If you don’t have a mat, you can bring a couple of large shower towels or something similar.
To secure your place in the event, full payment is required with the PayPal button payment link below, and acceptance of the event terms and conditions disclaimer.
Please use the payment button below and fill out and sign the Agreement to Terms & Conditions FORM TO SIGN click here »
Please Note: Before you email, registrations can ONLY be made online through the payment link below. You do not need to have a PayPal account in order to pay via PayPal with a credit card.
Dates: March 28 – 31, 2025 (Friday-Monday)
Times: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM (Doors open 8:00 AM)
Price: $999.00 USD per person
Or use this link: www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RL6VU32AESVLE
Price: $1099.00 USD per person + LUNCH
*Price includes a delicious LUNCH buffet each day! (Suitable for Regular, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten-Free)
Or use this link: www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=D2MFVB8UZ75QW
Note: The business name that appears on card statements is SHALOHA KRY or SHALOHA KRYON
Cancellation policy:
Refundable (minus 10%) if canceling before March 1st, 2025
Refundable (minus 20%) if canceling after March 1st, 2025
Non-refundable if canceling after March 20th, 2025
Note: If the event is canceled for any reason you will receive a refund minus a 5% administrative fee.
Event Terms & Conditions Disclaimer click here »
Agreement to Terms & Conditions FORM TO SIGN click here »
Please send an email after you have made the payment to confirm your registration to: info@shalohaproductions.com
A confirmation for your payment will be sent to you from PayPal after sending the payment. A welcome letter confirming your registration and further information will be sent to you from Shaloha Productions. If you have not received it within 24 hrs after sending your payment, please check your SPAM and TRASH folders.
Special Group Hyatt Tamaya Resort Room Rates:
Rates are per ROOM per NIGHT. Arrival: March 27th – Depart: April 1st.
NOTE: If there are no more rooms available in the group block, you can check Tamaya public site or stay at any of the many other hotels near Tamaya and arrive each day to experience this incredible life-transforming retreat!
The following Standard and Upgrade rooms and rates can be ordered on-line on the resort website using this dedicated link for our group:
- Single/Double Occupancy average price per room night $239.00
- Triple Occupancy average price per room night $264.00
- Quadruple Occupancy average price per room night $289.00
- Balcony View $249.00
- Pool View $264.00
- Mountain View $284.00
To book your room by phone, call 1-800-233-1234 or email tamay-reservations.static@hyatt.com and ask for “Shaloha Productions” Group rate
The following Suites and rates are based on availability, and can ONLY be ordered with our block by first emailing to: info@shalohaproductions.com
- 1-Bedroom Junior Suite price per night $389.00
- 1-Bedroom Executive Suite price per night $439.00
- 1-Bedroom VIP Suite price per night $589.00
- 1-Bedroom Presidential Suite price per night $839.00
Room share: If you’re looking to share a room in one of the occupancy options offered above and don’t have a companion already, you can use this Facebook group page to find a potential roommate:
Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/greggbradenretreat
– Book your room to arrive on Thursday March 27th, and depart on Tuesday April 1st.
– Come a day early or depart a day later and enjoy more time at beautiful Tamaya and Spa. (discounted rate offered three (3) days pre- & post- event based on availability)
– All reservations need to be made by February 27, 2025 in order to receive the group rate. Reservations past February 27, 2025 at the Hotel’s prevailing rates and are based upon availability only.
– These rates per room per night are subject to applicable state and local taxes, currently 14.88% per night.
– Daily Resort Fee of $34.00 is WAIVED for our retreat!
– Cancellation Policy: 72 hrs prior to check-in to avoid 1 Night plus tax
Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa
1300 Tuyuna Trail, Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, USA, 87004
Tel: +1 505 867 1234, Email: tamaya@hyatt.com
Note: There are many more options to stay nearby and arrive each day to experience this incredible life-transforming retreat!
LOOK! Special Group Rate at Santa Ana Star Casino Hotel
Only 10 mins drive from the Hyatt Tamaya Resort.
Use taxi, Uber or rented or private car.
Santa Ana Star Casino Hotel New Mexico’s newest hotel on the Native American Pueblo of Santa Ana opened in 2018. Excellent non-smoking appointed rooms and suites.
A special discounted Room rates block is available for our group at the hotel for Luxury King or Double Queen Rooms:
Rates* are per ROOM per NIGHT. Arrival: March 27th – Depart: April 1st
- Single/Double Occupancy average price per night $159.00
- Triple Occupancy average price per night $169.00
- Quadruple Occupancy average price per night $179.00
BOOK ONLINE: https://book.rguest.com/wbe/group/1820/santaanastar/auth
Group Code / Password: BKG942
Or you can call Hotel Reservations at 1-844-466-2378. Please mention the meeting group name “Shaloha Productions or Gregg Braden”, or the group code of BKG942 to receive the special rate.
* If there are no more rooms available in our block rates, please let us know and will do our best to add more: info@shalohaproductions.com
*Plus lodgers’ tax and gross receipt tax.
*For additional pre- or post- nights please request over the phone.
*All reservations must be made before March 13, 2025 to receive the group rate.
Santa Ana Star Casino Hotel is nestled in the Charming Pueblo of Santa Ana and the Rio Grande Bosque. You will find all the accommodation necessary to treat your attendees to a one-of-a-kind experience. Your stay will not only offer stunning views, but 204 non-smoking guest rooms, a Vegas Style Casino, premiere on-site dining options, an indoor pool, world-class golf courses and much more. Our dedication to providing quality food and beverages along with exceptional hospitality is sure to bring you and your attendees back again and again.
Only 10 mins drive from the Hyatt Tamaya Resort:
Santa Ana Star Casino Hotel
Holiday Inn Express Bernalillo
Days Inn Bernalillo
Super 8 Bernalillo
Motel 6 Bernalillo
Only 20-30 mins drive from the Hyatt Tamaya Resort:
Sandia Resort & Casino
Days Inn Rio Rancho
Quality Inn
Howard Johnson Rio Rancho/Albuquerque North
Inn at Rio Rancho & Conference Center
Hilton Garden Inn Albuquerque North/Rio Rancho
Extended Stay America Hotel Albuquerque – Rio Rancho Boulevard
Extended Stay America – Albuquerque – Rio Rancho The American Rd. N.W.
The Inn At Paradise
Chocolate Turtle Bed & Breakfast
Quality Inn & Suites
Comfort Inn & Suites Alameda at Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Park
Staybridge Suites Albuquerque North
Motel 6 Albuquerque North
SpringHill Suites by Marriott Albuquerque North/Journal Center
Courtyard by Marriott Albuquerque
Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North
Pan American Inn & Suites
La Quinta Inn by Wyndham Albuquerque Northeast
La Quinta Inn & Suites by Wyndham Albuquerque Journal Ctr NW
Days Inn & Suites by Wyndham Albuquerque North
Comfort Suites North Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta Park
Hilton Garden Inn Albuquerque/Journal Center
Homewood Suites by Hilton Albuquerque-Journal Center
Siegel Select – Albuquerque II
Studio 6 Albuquerque North
Nativo Lodge
Residence Inn by Marriott Albuquerque North
Drury Inn & Suites Albuquerque North
Holiday Inn & Suites Albuquerque-North I-25
TownePlace Suites by Marriott Albuquerque North
Best Western Plus Executive Suites
Click here to find more Hotels in the area via Google
More Accommodations:
www.airbnb.com www.vrbo.com

PHOTOS – Pure Human: Breakthrough! Retreat
Santa Ana Pueblo, NM – March 10-13, 2023 »
From Cell to Soul Retreat – March 2019

Dear Elan,
Thank you for organizing the best retreat I have ever attended!
My dream was to see Gregg in his homeland. Followed his work for ages.
Everyone connected, and I was blessed meeting so many beautiful souls.
The Hyatt Tamaya Resort on the Native Land reservation is spectacular and I made a point of going for an early morning walk down by the Rio Grand river.
The teachings were so informative, along with the heart meditations. The breathing exercise was incredible.
Your wit and jokes plus your beautiful songs were so heart warming.
The location and the staff, also the food, were all outstanding. The concerts and our farewell day were very beautiful and I left felt feeling this was surely a bit of heaven that fell from the stars creating a wonderful finale. Looking forward to seeing you all at the Conference in November.
Much love and blessings
Elizabeth B. / UK
I went to the Cell to Soul Conference (in Vernon BC) in June 2018 with Gregg Braden and to the From Chaos to Coherence November 2018 with Gregg Braden and Bruce Lipton. I thoroughly enjoyed both of those conferences and came home invigorated.
This most recent Cell to Soul, however, was for me one of the most powerful experiences of my life (I am almost 74).
Gregg, as always, is compelling, brilliant, funny, caring and inspiring. He provided some new information based on new studies, which I appreciated. In this conference he provided just enough of the scientific basis for Human by Design, but also included more experiential experiences. I like this balance. For me, meditation has always been difficult and scary. In this conference, I felt more relaxed and comfortable with doing the heart brain coherence, able to get past my fears of failure. I also thoroughly enjoyed Christian Minson’s breathing sessions, although again at first I was apprehensive. I was able to have some breakthroughs – this is the first time I have ever done any body release work. I would like to see a similar format in the May 2020 retreat, which I plan on attending.
Thanks Elan to you, Gregg and Laurie for an incredible, meaningful experience. Please keep up the good work!
Linda D. / OR. USA
Dear Elan,
Thank you so very much for your beautiful note. I wanted to respond quickly before I lose the luster and the spark that continues to expand in my heart.
First let me say this to you, Elan… thank you for your most gentle yet effective approach, your dry and sweet sense of humor, and your willingness to be fully present within each moment. You do it masterfully. It was not lost on me, or I’m sure anyone else, that there was a LOT of responsibility on you, and you rarely looked or acted ‘affected’. So for you, dear beautiful soul, I thank you from a most genuine place of care for your care of all of us. I know what it takes to pull something like this off, and you are to be congratulated. Thank you for understanding what it means for people to be there, and for staying in your heart in order to provide that seamless experience from your ‘end’ of the work all the way through to Gregg’s.
I have been to many a retreat and program in my life, and this just may have been my all-time favorite. It hit all the right buttons for me – Heart-centered, fact-based, amazing and beautiful human-being delivering in such a vibrant, loving tone with a charismatic presence. The depth of Gregg’s understanding of these concepts is difficult to comprehend. The ‘package’ of Gregg as just one human-being is almost unbelievable. Gregg was clearly put on this planet, at this particular time, to guide us into a new era, not only with his critical thinking skills and his gentle demeanor but showing us all how to live a heart-based life. I simply could not be more impressed. And there’s one more word… Humble. The last two times I saw Gregg speaking at events, I could see this about him, and certainly it’s clear in his writing and his shows, but to be part of this well-planned and executed event really was where the rubber met the road. Gregg didn’t miss a beat with anything that came up unexpectedly and, again, his genuine heart shone in every single minute of all aspects. In other words, you can see how people can put on a certain ‘face’ but see their humanness come out here or there – that never happened once with Gregg. Gregg is the real deal, the genuine article. He is a beautiful soul with countless talents, and says what needs to be said in a way that is concise, conscious and compassionate.
Thank you both for the roles that you play on this planet. But mostly, thank you for providing the opportunity to participate in such a beautiful, genuine and loving program.
With much appreciation,
Teena C. / AZ. USA
Well, Elan,
The From Cell to Soul Retreat experience was truly wondrous. The amount and quality of the scientific information that Gregg Braden presented to us is just so valuable in understanding who we are, and in understanding our purpose and our potential and our value as human beings – Gregg was so very effective in emphasizing those key points. He is truly a master of effective communication and teaching, explaining the many complex concepts and connecting the dots for us with powerful examples and analogies and visuals. He also deftly uses his fine sense of humor and wit – which is so fun – along with responding respectfully and effectively to audience questions. Gregg Braden is simply amazing.
And then how valuable it was to learn step by step the Transformative Breath Technique to release past trauma from our bodies, freeing ourselves from trauma attachment so we can move further along our path to ascension. Additionally, the daily programs were very well-organized – truly great planning – with each session and break timed just right. And the nightly musical entertainments were perfect choices, strongly supporting the spiritual experiences we were having. It was also fun to witness the sweet, loving and humorous exchanges between you, Elan, and Gregg and Laurie – one could tell each of you did your particular job very well, complementing each other as you worked harmoniously through the retreat together. And the choice of the Tamaya Resort – perfect – sacred ground for clearing and releasing and the seeding of truth for creating wondrous change. I am most grateful and in awe. Thank you.
Peace and Love to you and Gregg Braden and Laurie and to the other support staff.
Wishing you all many blessings,
Paula T. / MD. USA
Hello Elan and Gregg,
We both had a transformative time at the Cell to Soul retreat – it was particularly rich for us to be there as a couple! So much for us to continue to discuss and incorporate into our daily lives. Being guided through the process of heart/brain coherence with Gregg took us both to a whole new level of energy and depth of connection with the wisdom of our hearts. The transformational breath sessions were also very powerful for both of us. During the second session I had a life-changing experience of connecting with the matrix – I felt myself rise above the floor, felt light/heavy, hot/cold, past/present, completing connected with all things/times. An amazing experience!
We are very grateful to have experienced in person Gregg’s passion for life and the Discoveries and Mirrors guiding us to live our infinite potential. There is no greater work than this!
Thank you so much! We look forward to joining you on an exploration of one of the tours you offer in the future.
Carol & Scott F. / Canada
Hi Elan and Gregg,
It was a great deepening experience!!!!
I loved it!!!!
The place you chose made it comfortable and nice. The quality of the food you supplied and the venue. The breathing exercises were incredible, and the content of Gregg’s sessions and teachings were profound. Even afterwards I realize the quality of Gregg’s presence.
It was really 4 days ‘out of the world’.
Gregg and you made it amazing!!!!
Thank you,
Agnès P / France
Thank you Elan, thank you Gregg,
For such a moving and heartfelt experience.
I am filled with gratitude and appreciation for all you do, and for having had the good fortune to experience.
I look forward to more wonderful moments together in the future.
With love and blessings,
Karen G. / KS. USA
Hello Elan,
Just emailing you makes me happy! Not to sound weird, but the retreat was really meaningful for me. Thanks again for everything Elan. Well done to you, Gregg and the rest of your team for putting together such a nourishing and informative event.
All The Best,
Kimberly K. / AZ. USA
Hi Elan,
I wanted to thank you so much for one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I have been to retreats before, but never of this caliber. Over a week later, I’m still buzzing from my experience and can’t wait for my husband to experience this same retreat next year.
I have studied Gregg’s work for over a decade, and he is wonderful in print, but truly awe-inspiring in person. I am so impressed by the authenticity of both you and him. Thank you.
If I had one retreat to recommend, this one would be it. It gave me such a better perspective on love and life. It was truly amazing.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Sending Blessings,
Michelle A. / CA. USA
Dear Elan,
Much gratitude for everything that you represent in my world.
Create a wonderful day,
Robert S. / Serbia
Hello Elan,
I am deeply grateful for Gregg and his AMAZING TEAM that held us with safety, care and compassion. I would suggest the Cell to Soul Immersion experience for anyone on a transformational path!!!
Heart-2-Heart hugs to all of you!!!
Kimberly G. / FL. USA
Thanks Elan! Once again you guys pulled off an amazing experience! I am processing so much stuff that I headed up to Taos for a few days to deal with it! :) Thanks for all you do, and I’ll greatly look forward to the next one!
With much gratitude!
Dane L. / CA. USA
Thank you for the gift of new meaning to know anything by heart. I feel I have learned that listening with the heart softens old patterns and inspires virtuosic transformation. The breathing exercises seemed to alleviate congestion in the cerebrum by opening some sort of valve mechanism to the heart where genius-like brain sequences within the neurocardial system become effortlessly accessible. I will not be surprised if building blocks of beliefs about the heart’s constituencies equate with or exceed the cerebrum and possibly enteric nervous system. I have no doubt that particularly strong beliefs create physiological conditions as this is basic to fundamental psychology and worthy of ongoing quantification.
May all humankind flourish in believing the best physiological quality. May evidence of Peace, Love and Happiness be viable always.
Warmest regards,
Sherry P., PSYD, LMT / FL. USA
Dear Elan,
Thank you again for orchestrating such a magical experience. You and Gregg are doing tremendously valuable and much needed work!
Thank you for the gathering, for your delightful sense of humor and your heart warming songs. We hope to cross paths with you again in the near future!
With love and gratitude,
Téa & Dr. Jason S. / Canada
Hi Elan,
I really enjoyed the From Cell To Soul retreat. The breath work fitted in beautifully. And I loved the meditation toward the end that, for me, brought everything together beautifully – combining the heart-mind connection with the mirror neurons.
Thanks, again, for a wonderful conference. You did a great job in the organizing and smooth operations. Felt quite seamless.
Many Blessings,
Liz C. / CA. USA
Aloha Elan,
This was the first time I attended one of Gregg’s retreats. At first, I was wary and stayed in an ‘observer mode’. Gregg was right when he said how important trust is, and it’s fair to say I didn’t have trust to begin with. That changed quickly and, I’m happy to say, I was able to fully open to the information and experience.
His anecdotal stories helped me put what was being shared into a context that I could remember better than if he’d shared data only. Plus, it helped me get to know him AND made it so much fun! Gregg is ‘the real deal’. By that, I mean he lives what he teaches. It made all the difference knowing that. So, I’m grateful not only for the retreat but for knowing he’s on the planet, and that his life is dedicated to helping us all. The workshop was transformational – it gave me knowledge and tools that are priceless.
And, last but not least, your wonderful humor helped make the event an absolute delight! I didn’t have the opportunity to let you know in person, but you helped make the workshop with Gregg an amazing experience. I have no idea of all that you do to make these conferences successful, but I do know how much your humor and the sharing of your native songs was a joy for me.
Mahalo nui loa,
Judy R. / HI, USA
Many beautiful friendships made at Gregg Braden’s Cell to Soul this past week in New Mexico. Sacred land and sacred hearts shared. Thank you to everyone who shared their spirit with us all. A lot of healing and sharing and gratitude to all.
Melissa B. / Canada
A wonderful ending ceremony for 4 fantastic days in NM high country! Such a special, spiritual setting with a group of wonderful people and marvelous teachers!
Margo F. / NC. USA
Dear Elan,
It was an honor to meet you as well!!….as you so eloquently voiced to me, “We co-created” the opportunity that unfolded for my presence at this most amazing Cell to Soul event at the Tamaya Resort. I am deeply grateful it manifested so beautifully. The presence you held for the Cell to Soul event was amazing and beautiful.
Gregg’s stories, shared with such heart, honesty, humility, integrity, wisdom and insight, were so relevant to the collective. The science and knowledge shared was deeply inspiring and thought-provoking.
I set the intention to come to this event for inspiration and transformation. Through the transformational breath work on Day 1, I was gifted to tangibly experience “re-birth”. I recall every detail, and it was a life-changing experience. The entire event was beyond what I imagined/envisioned!
I was impressed by the environment of safety that was created through the loving and caring presence of you, Gregg and the entire staff, from day one. The level of trust instilled opened the way for deep wonderment and allowing of experiences that may have otherwise not occurred for me. Following 2 decades of experiencing “holistic” type of educational offerings and experiences, the degree of sharing from the heart was unparalleled. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I would recommend this event for ANYONE who is desiring an experiential workshop that includes deep scientific support and truth.
Thank you again for your presence and hard work to support this event.
May the blessings you share with others return to you in multiplicity!!
Namaste….with Heart,
Kimberly G. / FL. USA
From Cell to Soul Retreat – April 2018

As Gregg said to start off the workshop, “This workshop begins when you start integrating the information into your life. And that requires an experience.” And what a beautiful experience. Highly recommend this retreat! Take your favorite Gregg Braden book and times it by 100 and you’ll get an idea of what you’re in for.
Craig M. / USA
Hello Elan,
I just wanted to say a huge thank to you and all who made Gregg’s event such a beautiful, life-changing experience. I can honestly say that of all the retreats, events or conferences I’ve attended in the last 20 years, this retreat far exceeded all expectations. It is without a doubt my favorite retreat of all time! I must take some time to share with all of you the profound experiences I’ve had… I’m still trying to take it all in. Just a beautiful, powerful experience on so many levels.
Again, a huge thank you to all of you. You each brought a beautiful energy to the room, and believe me, we all felt it and appreciate what each of you contributed to our experiences.
Tina K. R. / USA
Thank you so much for all that you have done for all of us before, during, and after the retreat.
Pam F. / USA
Elan – well I can’t even wait one day to contact you after Cell To Soul, and share some things with you!
First and most importantly: THANK YOU for the work you do, for the events you put together, and for bringing a community of family together to help unify this planet. I have to say, while it was only my 2nd event with you, you were practically glowing on stage this weekend. You were so kind, and warm, and genuine, and your heart was so wide OPEN – it was a joy to see you in this way!
This event was fabulous, and yet not entirely what I expected (I had no idea we would be doing experiential things, like the breath work, and diving so deep personally), but it was a very powerful event. I had experiences and messages that came from the breath work that I will be processing for quite some time. I too fell in love with everyone there, and felt more engaged with the energy of this group every day. To be a part of a family experience like this is just incredible (and I have a feeling I will see many of my new family members in November as well!). The Girish experience was so very enjoyable. I had heard of Kirtan, but really had no idea what it was about, so to experience the power and pure beauty in his voice and his music was awesome. What an incredible musician. LOVED IT.
I am hoping that a few more of my family members might want to come as well! They see the positive changes in me, and are getting pretty curious about it all :)
With heartfelt gratitude,
Wendy P. C. / USA
I would highly recommend Cell to Soul for anyone who is interested in expanding their knowledge regarding the human heart, as well as how to move through the difficult times we currently face in our lives and on the planet today. Gregg is a rare combination of scientist and spiritual teacher who leaves his students both empowered and enlightened. As a teacher and practitioner in the healing arts, I can honestly say that Gregg and his team are among the best in their field. If you are interested in deep and intimate questions such as “who are we and what are we here for?”, the sacred “Cell to Soul Experience” is definitely for you!”
Tania L./ USA
Wonderful 4 days. Never before have I been surrounded by such loving, higher conscious beings. That I know of… LOL
Mary Anne B. / USA
Thank you for a magnificent retreat, guys! Gregg Braden, it would be wonderful if you do get to live 200 years, this planet needs you.
With my hand on my heart I thank you,
Zuly P. / USA
Calling us all up to knowing and awareness of what is possible team Braden and our human family of potential…
Cynthia C. / USA
Thank you everyone, for an absolutely amazing and beautiful experience! I am very excited about applying these great foundational, life guiding principles that you shared, fully integrating them into my life-journey, and ultimately sharing them with others.
Jim E. / USA
I am very grateful to have been with you and shared with you… Gregg, Elan, Laurie, and all my new Family… these 4 days were very deep work inside of me… an evolution of all I do NOW!
Leo S. / Chile
Elan and Gregg!
This Retreat was transformational for me on so many levels. It was an HONOR for me to be there. I will be forever grateful for such an opportunity. THANK YOU BOTH and the entire team!
The entire four days were executed flawlessly. Gregg’s brilliance, love and empathy surpasses every teacher and speaker I have ever experienced throughout my entire career… an extensive career which has included our national laboratory (Los Alamos National Laboratory), the University of California’s five southern campuses, Santa Fe Community College, the University of New Mexico and my current career as an author, speaker and Holistic Life/Executive Coach. I, too, am a world traveler searching for our “human story”. Gregg is truly a Master. Elan, you are masterful at what you do. I loved the lectures, the breath work and the Kirtan! I was in HEAVEN. THANK YOU.
Peace, love, enlightenment and blessings,
Dr. Wanda R. / NM, USA
Dear Elan,
I am still speechless! YOUR depth, and the glow of this most amazing work is so powerful!
WOW! I am still in AWE and such BLISS having experienced this most amazing event! Gregg! WOW! Thank you Elan, Laurie, Greg, Janis, and ALL of the people that came! I feel so deeply and profoundly blessed and honored to have been a part of this deepening! BIGGER LOVE and HEART JOY than ever!
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
Melaney S. / USA
Thank you so much for the wonderful 4 days at Cell to Soul. I have no comment other than it was the best workshop that I have been at in a long, long time. I know that Sharon and I left feeling like new people!
Victoria T. / USA
I have been in many (as in many, many) programs in my life and have enjoyed and been blessed by all. While I know that I am still highly emotional from your program, I truly believe it to be, by far, my favorite. It was powerful for me; I believe because of the heartfelt way that each of you spoke. The size of the group setting contributed greatly to this success. It is said that if you look into someone’s eyes for so many minutes (I believe 8), you will fall in love with them. The limited size of the group allowed for strong eye contact, and facilitated that strong emotion. I have heard Gregg at other larger venues, and can draw a good comparison. He makes an amazing effort to be personal with each one and it is appreciated deeply. I have a love for him that will remain with me for a life time. I learned much from the information he provided, and the way in which he presented. I can’t wrap my head around how he has been able to acquire so much knowledge, and has been able to organize and integrate it in such an effective manner. I am also amazed at his high energy, and the energy of all of the team, which allows the presenting of many programs all over the world, thus reaching an incredibly large number of people, changing lives in the process, not to speak of raising the energy of the world at the same time.
Bringing the Breath Work experience was powerful for me. Thank you! It was my first experience with this, but I was able to release emotions that I can’t even imagine where they came from. I expect this to have changed my life forever; particularly when coupled with the insight that Gregg provided about the Wisdom Of The Heart.
The choice of the evening programs was great, also. These were inspiring and enlightening. I intend to follow Gregg, and the whole team, in other events when and where possible.
You folks are special. You are incredibly loving, inspiring, life changing, and I believe, a saving force for our planet. In my daily meditations I will be sending love and light your way, in an effort to somehow help out, and be a part of you.
With loving respect,
Lloyd O. / USA
Was wonderful to meet so many of you gorgeous souls at Gregg Braden’s Cell to Soul… so many shared moments, tears, hugs, laughs, insights and quiet reflections… Huge credits to all the crew behind the scenes, to all those doing the administration work, and to those holding space.
So many gifts, so much love, so much honesty… I am returning to Australia with a sparkly soul, and a heart open and overflowing… The best medicine which I will be sharing in every footstep and heartbeat.
As an energy medicine person, there was something quite powerful in the group work. The energy from that room was like a vortex with ripples going in all directions… sacred ground indeed, sacred hearts taking that into a bigger earth community.
I definitely will be seeing some of you at future events. Today, as I rest in Albuquerque in readiness for the next step of my journey, I feel so full, so light, so aligned, so in flow…
Big love to you all, and thanks for all the support we offered each other,
Raelene B. / Australia
Still feeling the bliss of the spring conference intensive -over 30 hours and the latest healing discoveries in sync with the elegant teachings of Gregg Braden just rare gift of Love knowing perfect presentation of miraculous TRUTH— gratitude, compassionate, heart harmony in perfect tune— thank you each soul I met and spent this past weekend with—in this joyful experience of cellular alignment and health ease and rejuvenating BLISS…
Cynthia C./ USA
Thank you so much for your wonderful heart energy, and the incredibly orchestrated workshop this weekend. Cell to Soul has certainly shifted much within me.
Love and blessings,
Rancy T. / USA
Thank you, it was such an amazing experience, one that I will never forget. I will use all the teachings to help me in my personal journey and to guide me in my healing practice, until we meet again at another beautiful event.
May each of you be guided by your heart and spirit. Thank you for spreading your beautiful message, and making the world a better place.
Susan P. / USA
I REALLY enjoyed the retreat. Thank you again for making it such a life enriching experience.
Patrick W. / USA
Dear Elan,
THANK YOU for all you do, thank you for your honesty, sincerity, and kindness. I added Hallelujah to my daily “humming” :)
I wish to let Gregg know I am still feeling the magical, beautiful, peaceful, and loving energy which we all created and experienced on the sacred ground of Tamaya. I thank the spirits of Pueblo natives for helping us to experience and feel the real life. Gregg, I can only imagine how many of us are writing messages filled with very similar experiences… There is so much to say, to write, to point out, to express, yet all can be understood and felt from a hug, a smile, a quiet presents, and stillness.
You have been asking around the world “Who am I “? This is my answer. WHO AM I? Love has many faces. Love is kindness. Love is selflessness. Love is peace. Love is all living beings. Love is gratitude. Love is smiles. Love is tears. Love is helping others in need on the spot. Love is giving without expecting anything at all back. Love is sharing. Love is harmony with ALL. Love is pure. Love has no price as God is not for sale. Love is everywhere, in the air and beyond. Love is in ALL. Love is endless. Love is sincerity. Love is truth. Love is everything. Love is the first breath we take coming to this world. Love is the last breath we take here and now. Love is sacred. Love is what connects everything. Love is the foundation. Love is the way. Love is the healing. Love is the solution. So if you ask me who I am, I am love. I am all. I am you. I am oneness. I am I. Life is love. Love is my answer.
Thank you Gregg for tour time reading my words. Most of all – THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU. Here and now with us. Connecting our hearts.
Many warm, sincere, loving hugs, with gratitude and appreciation TO YOUR WONDERFUL TEAM to Girish, Christian and their Teams.
Iveta M / USA
Greetings Elan,
I attended my first retreat featuring Gregg and found it to be the most intriguing, informative, well-rounded and well-organized event that I’ve attended in many, many years. Perhaps the best ever, and I’ve attended many workshops, retreats and events over the past 40 years.
I appreciate Gregg’s work and his dedication to his purpose to blend new science with ancient traditions, to bring forth information to the greater consciousness through those attending his presentations.
When I met you, Elan, in the hallway mid-way through the weekend, l said then and I will reiterate now, your efforts, your organizational skills, your attention to detail and, above all, your dedication to the tenets fostered and presented by Gregg to all of us was nothing short of sensational.
Sincerely, in Love and Light,
Terry G. / USA
Dear Elan,
Thank you! It was such an amazing experience, one that I will never forget. I will use all the teachings in my personal journey and to guide me in my healing practice. Until we meet again at another beautiful event.
May each of you be guided by your heart and spirit. Thank you for spreading your beautiful message and making the world a better place.
Susan P. / USA
From Cell to Soul Retreat – March 2017

I would also like to record my thanks for your professional work & caring support of Gregg at the retreat. I have attended several such meetings around the world now, but really must say that the love that came from you and Lori not just to Gregg but all participants was energetically tangible. It made it a very special 4 days.
Susan P.
This was my second experience with the Cell to Soul retreat in NM. The Heart/Brain convergence process has deepened in me and I was able to touch the profound knowing of my heart. What came through most was that my heart longed for me!
Gregg’s masterful way of teaching and encouraging us makes all the difference. One can feel his sincerity and his dedication to all of us finding our heart’s message. I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to join with so many in uplifting heart consciousness! Thank you so much
Janie D.
It was such a pleasure to meet you. Moshe and I enjoyed learning with Gregg. You did an outstanding job planning the conference. The conference was awesome and the learning was a tremendous growth experience for me. I am excited to use the new techniques to teach our patients to connect to their hearts. Moshe and I will come to another conference. Till we meet again, be well.
I am grateful, I am
Sharon P.
Loved the retreat!! I have been to many of these types of events over the last 15 years, and heard Gregg many times, but this was the ultimate retreat for me!!! Gregg is a master at presenting complex material in an easy to understand way. Sharing his stories was very important to me, and added to the experience. So much material was covered in 4 days, and I can’t believe how much we covered. Life-changing for me!
Keep up the good work…great staff backing Gregg up too. Thanks to all.
Cindy H.
It has been a week since the Cell to Soul retreat, and I am still processing and digesting what I learned and experienced; the knowledge, wisdom, humour, friendship, and open and authentic love. The teachings helped me tweak my own soul, as it continues to evolve with every new experience. The heart resonance of this workshop reached beyond our room, waving out into the Field. Blessings to all, and especially to Gregg Braden, for the gift of eternal friendship, love, and deeper understanding of what makes each one of us so special — and reminding us of the great things we can do as One. Thank you! Gracias! Elahkwa (Zuni for Thank You).
Wendy D.
Thank you, Gregg (and wonderful team)! What a tremendous gift to have been with you at your recent New Mexico annual retreat, with such profound learnings and rememberings, and on beautiful sovereign Pueblo land too! Gregg’s deep devotion to his life’s work and artistry, combined with his obvious passion, his generous care, sensitivity, and humor, and his intimate communion with his audience, provided an unforgettable and fun experience that I was honored to be a part of, along with several members of my heart/soul-family who also attended. I’m already looking forward to my next Gregg Braden event opportunity, and sending you all much love, appreciation, and blessings in the meantime!
Kande B.
My New Mexico adventure – attending Cell to Soul – was a special and nourishing experience. Gregg is quite a unique and extraordinary mentor….his energy seems to be inexhaustible, as is his knowledge, patience, pleasant disposition and indefatigable curiosity, passion and enthusiasm for his wide variety of topics…..all fascinating and illuminating. Elan, you’re a great wingman…a real anchor and calm support. It was terrific meeting you. I’m sure we all benefited by your quiet, centred presence….a major contribution to the event…..as were the entire crew. The Tamaya Resort was very special and the spirit of the location entered my psyche, and will inform it forever. I do hope I can attend another of your events in the not too distant future.
Best wishes to you and your family,
Adrienne Levenson
From Cell to Soul Retreat – November 2016

I have been telling everyone that the Cell to Soul Retreat was the best course I have ever done! Not one complaint; not even a mumble. The Tamaya Hotel was the perfect place to hold the seminar. Sacred ground. Quiet and peaceful. The staff were lovely. The course content kept us all on our toes and the evening add-ons – Jenny Bird and the movie Entanglement – were both diverting and enjoyable. Gregg’s delivery was always totally engaging, challenging and informative, often funny. So, thank you to the whole team for putting the retreat together.
Aurèle O.
The Cell to Soul Retreat was, for me, an extraordinary experience on many different levels. Gregg Braden, with the power of his beautiful light, was not only able to help me connect with deep levels of my heart, but also – with his skill to communicate the knowledge – I learned a lot of new material that I haven’t had access to before. Gregg’s ability to connect scientific research with ancient knowledge is brilliant, in addition to his ability to communicate this knowledge in very simple language. I’m truly fascinated and inspired by his work. I also admire his nurturing nature. The location and setting for this seminar were hand-picked, and all details were carefully attended to. I had an amazing experience from all perspectives. The Tamaya resort on the Sacred Native land of Santa Anna Pueblo felt very special and appropriate for this type of spiritual gathering. The magic of nature just added an extra refinement and flavor to this whole experience. Thank you, Gregg and your whole team, for making this beautiful event happen! With love and gratitude!
Vesna K.
I’ve read and heard Gregg Braden so I knew some of the basic principles, but this multi-day experience goes way beyond anything you can read or see on the internet. I had very high expectations of this special time with Gregg. I was not disappointed at all! It was an amazing time of learning and increased awareness. There was a lot of laughter – Gregg has a wonderful sense of humor! I think the thing that struck me the most, though, was Gregg’s sincerity. He really wants to help us all lead the extraordinary lives that are available to each and every one of us.
The resort is beautiful and, I think, we benefit from it being on native land….fabulous energy! It is an incredible time and I left much more aware, more “conscious” than when I arrived. I can’t wait until the next retreat to come back!
Elaine H.
The Cell to Soul Retreat nourished and stretched me mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Gregg is a man of profound integrity, wisdom, passion, and compassion. He is skilled in presenting scientific research and Spiritual Truth in a way that is not only comprehensive and comprehensible, but is applicable to one’s personal transformation and empowerment. I am a minister of a spiritual community and the demands of supporting others who are dealing with illness, loss, and many other challenges can be taxing at times. Taking time out for my own well being is essential, and I am grateful for all the practices I learned to help me obtain and maintain optimal physical health as well as be grounded in the Truth of my being.
Angela D.
My life will never be the same. The information Gregg shared was exactly what I needed, with more direction and information of who I am, and to live my life in the direction of the purpose of what God has planned.️
Beverly A.
Thank you to you, Gregg and your entire team for the most amazing retreat/workshop I have ever attended – in both content and organization! Over the last 30 years I have attended nearly 100 workshops/retreats, and this retreat by far was the best and had the most impact on my life. Bravo to all of you!!!!! Infinite Love and Gratitude!
Karen H.
Thank you for an absolutely educational, transformational experience with people from all over the country and the world. I look forward to creating a more healthy and coherent existence!
Shirley St M.
What an amazing four days with Gregg Braden and the group. We are not just on the road – we are in the stream of consciousness!
Elisa B.
Thank you for a retreat of a lifetime! Gregg Braden’s Cell to Soul Retreat was an amazing and life-changing experience. Gregg is a true genius in bridging science and spirituality as well as a gregarious (little play on the word) and well-grounded presenter. I would highly recommend the retreat to all who are willing to intimately examine life and themselves.
Rita E.
For almost a year I have been waiting for the Cell to Soul retreat to come. It does not matter how high my expectations were because these four days have been above and beyond my expectations. Thank you for the authenticity, the humor, the humanity and the care always present. Thank you for the invaluable information and, last but not least, for the lasting change in my perception about life. I will be the best synthesizer I can be! My deepest respect and gratitude,
Jezabel R.
The retreat was, for me, a place to rest and to open my heart and mind to new possibilities. To understand and then express, unite all the goodness of my soul and those of my brothers and sisters of the world and in that room. We are all connected and on the same journey to empowerment and Light. The sacred ground we stood on in the pueblo helped create the space for this evolution within me, and I am grateful.
Michelle B.
I loved everything about the retreat – from the place we had it at, the material covered, the way it was set up, our activities, and our breaks. Gregg was absolutely wonderful as our leader… kind, compassionate, caring, so wise, intelligent, and inspiring. I am leaving this retreat with knowledge and tools I am going to use in my everyday life, and I hope to bring my boyfriend to the next one! :)
Krista R.
From Cell to Soul Retreat – March 2016

The experience in the Cell to Soul retreat was nothing less than life-altering!
My entire view of the world and reality broadened into the profound depth of understanding. Also, the tools Gregg offered regarding working with one’s heart have been transforming me as well as, those I encounter daily. Thank you for an amazing experience!
Jaqueline S.
This is my third time listening to Gregg Braden. And this time I brought my 15-year-old son, Cody. I have always felt, from the first time I had heard an audio tape of Gregg’s, that the information, knowledge, and wisdom shared by Gregg were and are invaluable. Especially more so for the young minds – or children. It just so happened that one of Cody’s teachers showed a Heart Math Institute video for a class discussion after we returned to Houston! I look forward to attending more Gregg Braden sessions (with Cody!). If I have learned anything, I know I learn something new and invaluable each time I attend one of these sessions/events. The participants themselves are a great bunch! Attending these sessions is also a great way to connect with persons sharing similar interests.
Thanks, Elan! For organizing events such as Gregg’s so we can learn and make this world a better place… a cell at a time… a soul at a time.
Peace be with you and yours,
Marilyn M.
Thank you so much for the fantastic organization of this retreat! It was such a powerful experience, I’m really so thankful and happy I was able to be part of it!
Pascale E.
I am still on a high from this experience and it is not from the altitude:) Wonderful workshop and time together. The extra small touches like morning tea and goodies were most appreciated and Gregg made himself available as much as he could for questions and book signing. I would highly recommend this retreat. You will not be disappointed and the Tamaya Resort was quiet, well-run and the food was good. Take the Road runner to Santa Fe. The hotel will take you to the train station and pick you up. It is worth spending the day there. Marvelous city!! Thanks Elan for you very large part in this experience!! Hugs and Cheers and thanks for the memories!
Rilla C.
This was my 3rd time to hear Gregg Braden speak. This length of time to be with him over the 4 days with the group was excellent. It was a well-organized retreat at a fabulous site.
Carla L.
It was indeed a pleasure and an honor meeting you! You are a terrific planner and one could not have asked for more of the manner in which the conference was organized. Thank you again for everything you did for us.
About the conference, Gregg Braden is a terrific storyteller and researcher, who strikes a perfect balance. I learnt a lot and his coherence technique is already showing results in my daily life. What a blessing he is to all who read his books or participate in his presentations.
Esperanza Q.
I was overwhelmed with Gregg’s inspiring talks that contained such amazing information. I was also impressed by his personal demeanor—kind and considerate with everyone, enthusiastic and funny, willing to share his personal stories, having an amazing amount of knowledge about his subjects. Experiencing his authenticity was as inspiring as what he had to teach us.
I want to also thank Gregg for the book Resilience of the Heart. I have been reading it since returning home and know it is something I want my children to read so they, too, can learn heart-brain coherency. On a final note, I want to thank both you and Gregg for an unforgettable experience. I have been thinking about it ever since.
Bev A.
Wow!!! After 4 days with Gregg and Elan at Cell to Soul I was completely beside myself, almost literally. Gregg put us through exercises that stretched our perception of self and very creatively and compassionately removed the veil that was preventing another level of growth. All of this in addition to continuing to teach people of various levels of self discovery and human connectedness. Gregg performed and educated amazingly. I have been watching a lot of people who claim to help the world, only to deliver what the group wanted to hear, and not delivering the truth… I was VERY HAPPY to see that none of this existed with Gregg. He spoke only the truth he knew and felt. He was genuine, articulate, funny, informative, compassionate, and approachable (even though I didn’t approach him personally, I watched many others do so and he was very warm and receptive). My business partner was so moved that he cried deeply at one point because his transformation encompassed his whole being and he released years of angst. I can’t say enough about how truly awakening this private course is and can be for those who are ready. It gave me such great pleasure to know that I had booked this retreat already and will be booking the next right away. Thank you so much for the genuineness and pure intent that you carry for you and your brand, AND our future. We will show the world its connection and attract the future we all need, that already exists.
Mike H.
Gregg Braden and his team hit a home run with their Cell To Soul event!
From start to finish you’ll be grateful you attended this intimate setting with a group of dynamic, like-minded souls from around the globe!
I was amazed with the care that was put into the smallest of details… ie: from the hotel being on sacred indigenous grounds, and having several medicine wheels to meditate on; to how Day 2 brought us on a surprise tour, and Oh My Gosh!!! What we learned!!!
You’ll see data and images never before seen by the public! And hopefully you’ll feel validated for all the “Woo Woo” beliefs you’ve had over the years, because the link Gregg Braden demonstrates between science and spirituality is Incredible! A must see!
I was so grateful to have signed up the day before it sold out. It’s a memory you’ll want to embrace. I’ve never been one for going to seminars, but I muscle tested and decided to attend… And Yes! This one hit it out of the park!!!! So much so, I’m bringing a group of friends and family to the next one… Wow Wow Wow is all I can say…
Enjoy! (haven’t laughed that much in a long time)
Carrie K.
National Child Advocate – Founder of Freedom Masters Inc™
As a clinical therapist, I attend several seminars during the year. This seminar changed my life, my way of thinking, my way of being. The location was beautiful and accommodations were flawless. I am excited to attend in November and further increase my understanding.
DonNell H.
Note: When signing up for the event you agree to be added to the Gregg Braden Email List and the Shaloha Productions Email List.